Shining a light on The Edington Centre: The Adult Day Centre with Something to Shout About

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Submitted by Jonathan Johnstone

We are excited to announce our campaign to raise awareness for the Edington Centre, a day Centre in Penrith dedicated to providing care for adults with learning difficulties. Our mission is to amplify the voices of these incredible individuals by showcasing their daily activities and the beautiful Christmas crafts they create.

The campaign is being run by a group of Chartered Management Degree Apprentices, from the Ambleside Campus who have volunteered to share their knowledge and expertise in project management with the Edington Centre. They hope to help the Centre with their social media presence through which they can share the adventures of the service users and the activities they undertake, as well as advertising their “Old Christmas Tree” drive. The Centre uses old Christmas trees and upcycles them into festive wreaths and ornaments which they sell at school fairs and from the Centre itself.

The group felt it was important to be engaged with the Edington Centre service users, so two members of the Apprenticeship Team led the users in a Christmas Sing-a-Long session. It was a wonderfully enjoyable afternoon spent singing, dancing, shaking and jiggling Christmas bells and tambourines which brought a smile to everyone’s face. It was a great way for the apprenticeship team and the Centre to collaborate and have some fun, which strengthened the relationship with both groups.

Jie and Alan having a wonderful Christmas time.

Here are some examples of the beautiful crafts for sale from The Edington Centre.

Here are some examples of the beautiful crafts for sale from The Edington Centre.

The guys are already hard at work making crafts for next year!

The guys are already hard at work making crafts for next year!

We’d love the wider community to come visit the pages created and encourage everyone to like share and re-post our pages!

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