The Comprehensive Guide to Electric Vehicles: Benefits, Charging, and Considerations

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By Armstrong Vehicle Centre

(Credit: Armstrong Vehicle Centre, Kingstown, Carlisle. 31st July 2024 Photograph by Jonathan Becker)

As the global push towards sustainability accelerates, electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly becoming the transportation of choice. With significant advancements in technology, infrastructure, and governmental support, the transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric ones is not just a trend but a necessary evolution. This article explores the numerous advantages of EVs, the factors affecting their range, charging options, and important considerations for prospective buyers.

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles offer a host of benefits that make them an attractive alternative to traditional petrol and diesel vehicles. These advantages span environmental, economic, and practical considerations:

1. Zero Emissions: Unlike their ICE counterparts, EVs produce no carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, contributing significantly to reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change.

2. No Fumes: EVs eliminate harmful exhaust fumes, leading to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

3. Quiet Operation: The absence of noisy engines makes EVs incredibly quiet, reducing noise pollution in urban areas.

4. Smooth Driving Experience: EVs provide a smooth and vibration-free ride due to their electric motors, which offer instant torque without the need for gear changes.

5. No Gear Changes: The automatic transmission in EVs simplifies driving, making them more accessible to a broader range of drivers.

6. Cost Savings: EVs offer several cost advantages, including free parking in many areas and exemption from congestion charges in Low Emission Zones (LEZ), Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ), and Clean Air Zones (CAZ).

7. Tax Incentives: Governments around the world provide numerous incentives for EV buyers. In the UK, these include zero Vehicle Excise Duty (VED), the ability to write down 100% of the vehicle cost against profit in the first year, and a 130% super deduction for charging infrastructure. Additionally, there are government grants available (OZEV), 0% company car tax on electric commercial vehicles, and a 2% Benefit-in-Kind (BIK) tax rate on electric company cars until 2025.

8. Low Running Costs: EVs generally have lower running costs compared to ICE vehicles. They require less maintenance, and electricity is cheaper than petrol or diesel.

Factors Affecting Electric Vehicle Range

While EVs offer numerous benefits, their range—the distance they can travel on a single charge—can vary significantly based on several factors:

1. Payload: The weight of the cargo and passengers affects the vehicle’s energy consumption and, therefore, its range.

2. Weather Conditions: Cold or extremely hot weather can reduce battery efficiency, impacting range.

3. Temperature: Batteries perform optimally within a certain temperature range. Extreme temperatures can degrade performance.

4. Driving Style: Aggressive driving with rapid acceleration and high speeds can drain the battery faster than a more conservative driving style.

5. Driving Speed: Higher speeds increase energy consumption, reducing the overall range.

6. Heating and Air Conditioning: Using the vehicle’s heating or air conditioning systems draws energy from the battery, decreasing range. However, most other functions, like lights and wipers, operate on a 12V battery, having minimal impact on range.

7. Regenerative Braking: EVs use regenerative braking to recover energy during deceleration, which helps to extend the vehicle’s range. By converting kinetic energy back into electrical energy, regenerative braking reduces the overall energy consumption, particularly in stop and go traffic.

Drivers transitioning to EVs may initially experience range anxiety—a fear of running out of charge before reaching a destination. However, as they become more familiar with their vehicle’s capabilities and charging infrastructure, this concern typically diminishes.

Charging Electric Vehicles

EVs can be charged using either Alternating Current (AC) or Direct Current (DC), each offering different speeds and convenience levels.

1. AC Charging:

– Slow Charging: This is typically done through a standard 3-pin domestic socket, delivering a maximum of 3.6 kWh. This method is convenient but slow.

– Fast Charging: A wall box can provide faster charging, with home units offering up to 7.4 kWh and work/public stations delivering up to 22 kWh. However, the speed is limited by the vehicle’s onboard charger, typically 7.4 kWh or 11 kWh. Even if a 22 kWh wall charger is used, the vehicle will only charge at the maximum rate supported by its onboard charger.

2. DC Charging:

– Rapid Charging: This method bypasses the onboard charger, feeding power directly to the battery, allowing for much faster charging times. Rapid chargers, often found at service stations, can charge a vehicle’s battery to 80% in about 30 minutes, depending on the charger’s rate.

– Ultra-Rapid Charging: These chargers, now appearing across the UK, offer rates between 100 kW and 350 kW, significantly reducing charging times.

Most EVs are equipped with a Type 2 plug and may also support the Combined Charging System (CCS) for rapid charging. It’s important to note that charging cables lock in place during charging for safety and should not be forcibly removed. The ZapMap app is a valuable tool for locating and navigating to compatible charging stations, offering a user-friendly interface to filter and find the right charging options.

Charging Time and Speed

Charging times vary depending on the battery capacity and the charging rate. For example, a vehicle with a 50 kWh battery charged with a 3.6 kWh domestic charger will take approximately 14 hours to fully charge. The same vehicle would take about 7 hours with a 7.4 kWh wall charger, assuming it has a 7.4 kWh onboard charger. Rapid charging, on the other hand, can bring the battery up to 80% in just 40 minutes, making it a practical option for long journeys.

Future Considerations and Misconceptions

The UK government’s ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035 is fast approaching, making the adoption of EVs inevitable. Despite some misconceptions circulating online about EVs, particularly regarding range and charging infrastructure, the reality is far more encouraging. With over 66,000 charging points across 34,570 locations in the UK as of July 2024—a 46% increase from the previous year—the infrastructure is rapidly expanding to meet demand.

When considering the purchase of an EV, it’s essential to calculate the total cost of ownership, which often reveals that EVs are more cost-effective than ICE vehicles. This calculation should include monthly payments, servicing costs, road tax, ULEZ, LEZ, and CAZ fees, as well as fuel or electricity costs.


Electric vehicles represent the future of transportation, offering substantial environmental, economic, and practical benefits. While there are considerations regarding range and charging, the infrastructure is improving rapidly, and the total cost of ownership often favors EVs over traditional vehicles. As the 2035 deadline approaches, the shift to electric mobility will not only be a personal choice but a societal imperative for a sustainable future.

Find out more on their website

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What is Menopause?

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Expert article by Tish Fisher, founder of Menopause Body & Mind

So……“What is menopause?” I hear you ask ………. A very good question. Some
would say an hormonal deficiency, others would say end of monthly
menstruation whilst those going through it may describe it as a nightmare!
The more broadly used word “menopause” however is an umbrella term for the
transformational journey that individuals undertake during their life cycle. That
transformational journey is made up of 3 stages: perimenopause, menopause
and post-menopause. Each stage is different and can bring both challenges and
“What does the word ‘menopause’ conjure up for you?”
When I ask this question during my sessions, the reply is usually hot, angry,
tired, old. I have only ever had one lady shout out “fabulous”! I was obviously
intrigued – why? She explained that she really wanted to continue working so
whilst she struggled with her symptoms, she worked hard at a change of
mindset. I would love to think in a perfect world that we could all work on
mindset and everything would be OK and our symptoms and challenges would
diminish. Alas, in the real world, individuals can suffer many complications
during menopause which cannot be helped by mindset alone.
Whilst organisations are engaging with menopause a little more now,
unfortunately it continues to conjure up negative connotations; from the pictures
we see, to the articles we read and even to some individuals still rolling their
eyes at the mere mention of it in the workplace! But I see this as a positive
journey and my message to everyone is:

Menopause is nothing to be ashamed of. It DOES NOT symbolise
old age or the end, just the beginning of a new chapter.
And guess what – YOU get to write that chapter

  • so make it an exciting one!
    I’ll be honest, I’m very young at heart and thought I was way too young to go
    through the menopause. As a result, when it came along, it hit me like a tonne of
    bricks! My journey started with the emotional side. I found myself crying on the
    way to work every day for no apparent reason. It was only a couple of months
    down the line when the hot flushes started, that I joined the dots. If nothing else,
    it made me realise that I knew very little about it other than my mum and her
    hot flushes and night sweats. I certainly hadn’t appreciated how many symptoms
    there were to navigate or that there was even an emotional side!
    My saving grace was that I went through it with my bestie – we laughed, we cried,
    we shared but, more importantly, we supported each other. Everyone needs that
    peer support whether it is at home, through friendships or in the workplace. It
    can be the difference between a good menopause and a bad one!
    For any organisation/individual – EDUCATION IS KEY.
    Organisations need to understand the 4 key areas as to why being ‘menopause
    friendly’ is important, how it can save their organisations money and future
    proof their business.
    Individuals need to understand what’s happening in menopause so that they
  • make informed choices and help themselves
  • support their work colleagues
  • support their family members/friends
    For those with any doubts as to the importance of education, I would like to
    share this story:
    A lady visiting her 92 year old mother, had an unexpected conversation with her
    Mum’s 94 year old partner, Ron. Ron is a man of few words who has lived and
    worked on a farm all his life. You could say he holds traditional, conservative
    attitudes typical of a man of his age and background. He asked the lady where
    she was off to work next. Tasmania she said. Ron: Is that for the menopause
    thing you do? Lady: Yes
    Ron continues to ask questions in black: the lady answers in red
  • Is that to talk to the bosses who are blokes, so they can understand it better?
    (Goal in one!) Yes and to the women too because we don’t know enough either.
  • How long does menopause take? Could be 2 years, could be 10. Ron looks
    taken aback. Its kind of like adolescence in reverse, it can take a while.
  • What about in other cultures? Is it the same for them? All females go through
    menopause, but there can be some differences in symptoms between cultures
    and races.
  • I wonder why women go through menopause? So we can stop breeding and
    start leading!
  • Do they have anything for the ones who have really bad symptoms? Yes HRT
    can be effective but many doctors aren’t educated about the latest, safer types,
    so can be reluctant to prescribe it.
  • Is it very expensive? It can be if you choose to go private – @ £200! Ron
    grimaces – oogh, that is expensive. However, there are more affordable routes
    via the NHS.
  • So do they have some kind of leave, like they have maternity leave? (A
    controversial idea to us, but the idea arose naturally for Ron). Generally not,
    but watch this space.
  • Leave would help though surely? Yes, leave could be very helpful for the small
    % that have severe symptoms to help them keep their jobs.
  • Yes, especially cos as you get older they might want to get rid of you! (Bingo!).
  • Well we didn’t talk about this 50 years ago. We weren’t talking about it 5 years
    In 10 minutes Ron covered nearly all the key issues being raised with regards to
    menopause: workplace awareness, retaining older females, the silence, leave,
    cultural differences, the cost and availability of HRT etc. No briefing papers
    needed there! Just the clear seeing of fresh eyes, an uncomplicated mind and a
    lifetime of caring for animals through various stages of the lifecycle. Ron knows
    the female body is different and has different needs at different stages of life. IT
    Guys – if Ron (born 1930) can talk about it, so can you!
    Everyone – Don’t assume men won’t be interested
    I delivered a session recently to @ 45 construction workers. Of course there was
    the odd smutty comment or what we would have referred to in our youth as
    ‘banter’, I wouldn’t have expected anything less. However, the majority embraced
    the information given, thanked me for highlighting the problems that can be
    faced and said they would be more understanding, supportive and kinder in
    For all those organisations out there still considering whether to prioritise
    menopause, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 4 things to think about:
  • Name it – acknowledge menopause exists and normalise conversations.
  • Reframe it – see it as a positive. Its a powerful process in a women’s life that, if
    supported, will benefit everyone.
  • Equip your people – give them good quality information as to how they can
    help themselves.
  • Equip your managers with the skills to have health related, sensitive
    conversations with those women who do want to talk about menopause.
  • Adjust some of the work factors that can impact on an individuals ability to
    take care of themselves and their work as they work their way through
    menopause. These can be simple, inexpensive and often temporary
    For all those individuals out there likely to go through it, I leave you with this:
    Remember – be bold and be brill. You really can achieve
    anything you want to at any age. Ray Kroc was 52 before he
    opened the first McDonalds franchise restaurant!

To find out more and how Tish Fisher, founder of Menopause Body & Mind can help, head to her website

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The Meeting Money Pit.

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By Eve Halliday, Founder and Growth Partner at Copper Tree Growth Partners

One of the most common challenges businesses face is the constant push to save money. While there’s no universal formula there is one area, I always focus on with every company I work with is the “meeting money pit.”

Let’s be honest—we’re all guilty of it. Scheduling a quick half-hour here, a team meeting there, a huddle, a briefing… before you know it, your entire week is consumed by meetings. And while some meetings are necessary, we’ve all seen those social media jokes about how “that meeting could have been an email.” I would bet that you’ve thought it on more than one occasion too!

When assessing process improvements or cost-cutting opportunities, we often look at downtime or stoppages and consider how we can better utilise that time, or often how much a particular blockage in process is costing the company. However, something that’s often overlooked is right there on your Outlook calendar: the sheer number of meetings you’re attending. And it’s not just you—it could be everyone in your organisation. Have you ever looked around the room or virtual table and noticed seven staff members attending a meeting and wondered, “How much is this meeting actually costing the company?”.

This is what I refer to as the “meetings money pit.”

Let’s take a typical example: a weekly team meeting with seven members that lasts an hour. In effect, you’re spending an entire workday’s worth of staff resources on that meeting. The critical question is, was it worth it? Did you achieve seven hours’ worth of output from your team? Did they arrive at a conclusion that would have otherwise taken an entire day? Only you can answer these questions.

In monetary terms, if each person on that team is on say 35k per annum, and works a 35-hour week, that’s around £20 per hour. So, your hour-long team meeting of 7 has cost the business £140. That might be money well spent but again, only you can answer that question.

When looking for ways to save money, save time, or improve productivity, the first place to start is your calendar. That doesn’t mean you should cancel every single meeting and just get on with your work—while that might sound appealing, it’s not entirely practical. However, consider these alternatives: Can you shorten your hour-long or morning-long meetings to 30 minutes or even less? Could the meeting have been an email instead? Could that email have been a Teams message? Or could that Teams message have been a quick 3-minute phone call?

The value of each meeting is down to you as the organiser and as the team or individuals participating. So, of course I’m not saying axe your team meeting as, when you have a strong agenda, they can be extremely valuable.

Some things to think about when scheduling your next meeting:

Does everyone on the invite list need to attend?

What do I want to achieve in this meeting? Is it a decision? To inform colleagues of some vital information? Whatever it is, have a goal!

Can I cut this meeting down? Would 45 minutes suffice rather than an hour?

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A Celebrant is a what…?

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A woman Celebrant standing outdoors, wearing a pink and blue scarf
Theresa – Ribeiro Ceremonies

“A Celebrant? What is a Celebrant?” This is what I hear the most when I’m asked what my job is, that or I get the ‘I’m trying not to be obvious but I have no idea what that is‘ look. Even better, and funnier: “you’re celibate?” If I could make money out of that, that would be wonderful, ha! As you can see, you’re not the only one who isn’t 100% sure what a Celebrant is or does, and that is ok.

A basic description of a Celebrant is: a person who conducts ceremonies.

If we search google for the meaning of “Celebrant” a lot of dictionaries still tell us a Celebrant is a person who conducts a religious ceremony, which shows us dictionaries haven’t yet caught up with current times, here’s hoping that changes soon!

Celebrancy or using a Celebrant for a wedding is relatively “new” to the UK. Originally founded in Australia in 1973 by the Attorney general at the time, Lionel Murphy, it was a new way of doing weddings. Lionel felt that those who are secular were also entitled to a wedding of their choice, before that they had to choose someone in the clergy or a civil authority. This meant that those who didn’t want a religious ceremony had to settle for the more perfunctory types of ceremonies done by a civil authority. It was only fair to bridge that gap and create a space for everyone to have meaningful ceremonies with substance. It also opened the doors for women & Aboriginal Australians to conduct ceremonies, both types of ceremonies were unheard of before this!

In fact it opened a lot of doors, people could choose their own Celebrant, young people could be Celebrants, inter-faith or non-religious types of ceremonies could be had and be memorable. Even better, they could be done on any day of the week at any time. Wonderful! It was all very radical and it opened the doors to many new and different experiences for a lot more people. Lionel was a trailblazer!

Eventually Celebrancy came over to the UK, and has slowly become more popular in the last 10 or so years, leading to a bit of a boom the last year and a half.

Wonderful, so there are more Celebrants & it’s becoming more popular to use them, but why is celebrancy still relatively unknown to the general population? This comes down to UK law, which states that only clergy or registrars can legally marry someone. The legal part becomes a bit of a sticking point for many, mainly because they don’t know all the options, nor how it all works.

To help us gain a little more clarity, first, let’s understand the difference between ‘marriage’ and ‘wedding’ – explained by Cambridge Dictionary:

Marriage a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together, or the official ceremony that results in this.

Wedding a marriage ceremony and any celebrations such as a meal or a party that follow it.

Let us also define types of Celebrants & those who already officiate weddings which will help us understand even further.

A registrar – a person with legal authority to declare /authorise a marriage but with quite strict rules in place, i.e., no religious aspects whatsoever during your ceremony. (And some other odd rules, for example, the cake cannot be in the room while the ceremony takes place.)

A minister / pastor / vicar – a member of a religious body who can apply to legally marry couples – who of course will also have their own rules, respectively.

A humanist Celebrant – humanists prescribe to a philosophy that humans don’t need religion – as such, in England and Wales they cannot do the legal aspect of a marriage. However, they can do your wedding ceremony or indeed any other ceremony. (In Scotland and N. Ireland, they do have the ability to conduct the legal aspect of a marriage – more on that in a future post)

An independent Celebrant – not connected to any religion, even though they themselves might be religious. They can include religious aspects if the couple wish to, which is great for inter-faith couples / ceremonies. Independent Celebrants cannot yet do the legal aspect of a marriage, in any part of the UK, but this brings with it a freedom to include a lot of other things a registrar or minister wouldn’t be able to include in your ceremony. (Keep a look out for the next blog post which will discuss why Celebrants can be a great choice for your wedding!)

While a Celebrant cannot do the legal part of your marriage, they can do your wedding ceremony. You’ll still want the legal part done, of course, but if you choose a Celebrant for your ceremony, you can book a 2 by 2 appointment at the registry office to make it official (on a date before or after your wedding ceremony. The ‘2 by 2’ means you as a couple & 2 witnesses) and then keep all the ceremonial bits for your wedding ceremony with a Celebrant. The ceremonial bits are things like: vows, ring exchange, the kiss, any symbolic rituals – all of which do not need to be done at your legal exchange (if you didn’t want to).

Why is it important to know all this? Well, knowledge is power, but mostly this knowledge means you know the choices available to you. Knowing your options and choices means you can properly decide what you want for your ceremony.

As a Celebrant I am slightly biased in saying a Celebrant led wedding is truly wonderful. Something new, different, not traditional & stuffy but creative and fun. However, everyone has different tastes and likes and dislikes, which is perfectly fine. Some people want to get married by a registrar or at their local Church because that’s part of their tradition and that is wonderful too.

What would be a shame is if we weren’t told all the options in order to make informed choices, We might like something different, we might want to start a new tradition? Creating awareness is a good step in that direction.

All that said, now you know what a Celebrant is and does – share it with someone you know!

Find out more

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Cottage in Orton For Sale

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Get in touch with Daniel Woolf -The Agency UK if interested in this or wishing to sell your property -head to his Facebook page

1 Front street is a spectacular character cottage situated in the heart of this most charming of villages. Currently run as a very successful Airbnb for many years, it is available chain free and is well worth a viewing to appreciate this gem of a property!

So why is it so good?

🏠It would make a fantastic home, rental or holiday let.

📍 Located in the village of Orton, close to the Lakes & Dales.

📐Spacious rooms and plenty of internal storage!

🚗Easily maintained external gardens & off street parking.

Link to the full property advert here

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Celebrating a 70th Birthday with Annandale Distillery

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Written by Showcase Cumbria founder Mary Ballard

I asked 3 months ago across my socials and Showcase Cumbria socials for recommendations where to take a family member turning 70 this year for a whisky tasting session and Annandale distillery was suggested by many and recommendations like some of the below (big thanks to everyone who commented and given suggestions).

From that I then contacted Annandale Distillery on what I could get that was special for a 70th Birthday and learnt that they did “Private Bottling”, and you could choose from a selection of fantastic labels.

The photos below was of the lovely morning I had at Annandale Distillery picking up the “Private Bottling” Single Malt Scotch Whisky for the family member whom I needed a special 70th Birthday Present for. David Ashton-Hyde was super helpful and he is the one to contact if you would like to order the same. So if you would like a bespoke labelled whisky too for any occasion; birthdays, weddings, retirement, corporate gifts etc; you can email him on He said he would be love to hear from you.

We presented the bespoke bottle to Alan at his 70th birthday Party along with a card and an announcement within that we were also taking him on a whisky tasting tour at Annandale Distillery followed by lunch at The Maltings Coffee Shop there. He was ecstatic and delighted with his presents and I was told that he was starting to research immediately after the party on the history of Annandale Distillery and was very much looking forward to it.

The day of the Classic Tour

We began our day with the Classic Tour. This was just £25 each. We first checked in at the gift shop and we all received a branded whisky glass in a holder (pictured below) to taste the whisky and we also got to keep them to take home with us (all in included in the price) which we also thought was a nice souvenir and we can use it.

The tour took us through the fascinating process of whisky-making, from the malting floor to the distillation and maturation stages. Our guide Alistair was incredibly knowledgeable, sharing intriguing stories about the distillery’s history and the art of whisky production. We even got to sample some of their finest drams, which was a highlight for all of us.

As the nominated driver, I was told I would be given a driver’s pack (included in the price of the tour) with all the whisky that was tasted during the tour and I was given it after when we returned to the gift shop. See pictured below.

We also bought a few more things in the gift shop which had a lovely array of whisky and products.

Lunch at The Maltings Coffee Shop

After the tour, we headed to The Maltings Coffee Shop for lunch which we had booked prior 30 mins after our tour giving ample time to enjoy the gift shop then walk over to it., This chic, dog-friendly café is a gem. The menu was filled with delicious homemade cakes, sandwiches, and light bites. We were particularly impressed they also offer award-winning afternoon teas and had heard all about it but we did opt for lunch off their menu on this occasion as they were mouth-watering too. The café also offers a range of vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free options, ensuring everyone in our group was catered for. Loved how they supported and used lots of local produce as well.

One of the unique features of The Maltings is its dog menu. Our furry friend was treated to a special meal, making the experience even more enjoyable. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, and the staff were attentive and friendly.

A Memorable Experience

Overall, our visit to Annandale Distillery was a perfect way to celebrate a milestone birthday. Alan and his wife both said it was the best present he got (felt choked hearing that- me and my husband so delighted hearing that). The combination of the informative tour and the delightful lunch made it a day to remember. If you’re looking for a unique and enjoyable experience, I highly recommend a visit to Annandale Distillery as it is distillery offers a unique blend of history, craftsmanship, and hospitality set in a beautiful area, plus for ease, there is no having to stress in parking as large free car park and signage to easily find it. Their postcode also takes you straight there with no issues! So, what are you waiting for? Book your visit with them now, head over to their website and give their socials a follow.

Pictures of me trying the samples at home which was lovely – just appreciated that they thought about those that would be the drivers also I loved that the other group on our tour was a family so children are also welcome so those with children don’t miss out too.

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Win your dinner at Cockermouth Charities Week!

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A Michelin-starred lunch, a great takeaway, a romantic meal for two, or some brilliant light bites – they’re all on offer in the Cockermouth Charities Week Dining Delights Raffle!

Tickets cost just £1 and all the proceeds will go to Cockermouth Linking Lives, an organisation which offers a befriending service to scores of people in and around the town. Tickets are on sale seven days a week at The Children’s Society Shop on Main Street, as well as at other businesses. They will also be on sale outside Cleelands furniture store on Saturday 20 July.

Cockermouth Charities Week is organised by Cockermouth & District Chamber of Trade and, this year, runs from Monday 15 July, with stalls all around the streets on Saturday 20 July. Most of the businesses are organising their own fundraising efforts, with competitions, games, prize draws and more for the charities of their choice. There will also be a free children’s treasure hunt and an Eat in To Help Out initiative to encourage residents to cook for their friends in return for a donation.

In 2023, the Charities Week saw £18,000 donated to 35 different causes by more than 70 companies. They also raised the profile of these organisations, sharing their expertise and skills.

This year, two of Cockermouth’s sporting superstars, world-class cricketer Ben Stokes and Olympic swimmer Luke Greenbank, have thrown their support behind the event.

Charities Week co-ordinator and Chamber of Trade member Andrew Marshall, whose family run Strolling4Shoes, said: “Huge thanks to every eatery which has donated a prize to the Dining Delights Raffle. We have thousands of tickets to sell so if you can spare just a pound – or a little more – to benefit the brilliant Cockermouth Linking Lives charity that would be great.”

Terry Peate of Cockermouth Linking Lives added: “We are so grateful to Cockermouth & District Chamber of Trade for choosing us as their charity for 2024.

“Nearly four million people in the UK only have their TV for company and around nine million people say they are lonely. They are heartbreaking statistics.

“Loneliness can have a major impact on physical health, aside from the obvious mental health considerations. That’s why we do what we do. We want to transform people’s lives, make them smile, and bring them happiness through simple chat and friendship.”

To find out more about Cockermouth Charities Week visit or follow Cockermouth Town on Facebook or Instagram.

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Popular Cumbrian Guest House Triumphs at Cumbria Tourism Awards 2024

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Sunnyside Guest House, a beloved establishment in Keswick, has been recognised for its outstanding service and dedication over the past six years by winning the Cumbria Tourism Bed and Breakfast and Guest House of the Year 2024. This accolade follows their recent achievement as a finalist in The Family Business Community North West Awards this year also.

Owners Paul and Nicky Roper have tirelessly worked to create a memorable experience for their guests, supporting local charities like Fix The Fells and prioritising local suppliers and produce. Paul Roper expressed their pride, stating, “Winning this prestigious award is a testament to our commitment to excellence. We couldn’t have done it without the help and support of our wonderful, world class local producers and amazing guests.”

Looking ahead, Sunnyside Guest House aims to focus on sustainability while continuing to uphold the high-quality service that their guests have come to expect.

The awards ceremony was held at Kendal’s Castle Green Hotel on July 2, which was a celebration of Cumbria’s tourism industry, marking the 50th anniversary of Cumbria Tourism.

Paul Roper added, “We extend our heartfelt thanks to Cumbria Tourism and the sponsor of our category award, Dodds & Co – Chartered Accountants, for their support. We are excited to continue flying the flag for all guest houses and offering exceptional stays for our visitors. We remain committed to supporting the environment, our community, and local producers for many more years to come.”

Find out more about Sunnyside Guest House on their website and follow them on social media.

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Grasmere Gingerbread® launches series of ‘talk and taste’ experiences to celebrate 170th anniversary

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The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop in 2024

A series of ‘talk and taste’ experiences outside The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop throughout July will celebrate the 170th anniversary of the historic Lake District attraction.

Visitors will learn:

· How in 1854 Victorian cook Sarah Nelson defied the odds to invent her world-famous Grasmere Gingerbread® – a spicy-sweet cross between a biscuit and cake;

· How the bustling 18th century port of Whitehaven influenced the development of unique Cumbrian foods;

· The Wordsworth connection to the building housing The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop;

· What happened to Grasmere Gingerbread® after Sarah Nelson died in 1904.

Sarah Nelson outside her Church Cottage home in the 19th century – it would later become The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop

“We are holding 13 ‘talk and taste’ experiences in July which will give visitors a fascinating insight into a bygone world,” said Joanne Hunter, co-director of Grasmere Gingerbread®.

“Our 170th anniversary is something to celebrate and we know that customers from all over the world love to hear how a humble cook in a remote corner of England created a culinary phenomenon.”

Visitors attending the ‘talk and taste’ experiences will receive a slice of freshly baked Grasmere Gingerbread®, an oatcake spread with Cumberland Rum Butter and refreshments.

The ‘talk and taste’ experiences which cost £4 per person and last half an hour will be held on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 29th and 30th of July at 3pm outside The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

Places may be booked on

Sarah Nelson outside her Church Cottage home in the 19th century – it would later become The Grasmere Gingerbread Shop
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New private gym set to open in Penrith

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Proper Performance, state of the art private gym opening in Hackthorpe, Penrith

A brand-new private gym is set to open near Penrith. Located in the village of Hackthorpe, Penrith, this state-of-the-art facility will officially open its doors on Monday, 24th of June 2024.

This new private gym is founded and run by partners Callum Keen and Beth Walker who have also relocated to Cumbria recently from York. They chose Cumbria as they have always loved their visits here and feel very at home.

Proper Performance will deliver a weekly schedule of small group classes ranging from Fell Strong for runners/hikers, to Longevity training for those looking to increase strength and endurance throughout life, along with Calisthenics for those looking to defy gravity.

In addition to group sessions, Proper Performance will offer personalised private training sessions by Coach Callum Keen. Coach Keen, a former World Record Holder and MSc qualified specialist, brings over a decade of experience in human performance to the gym.

Proper Performance Co-Partner Coach Callum Keen

“We’re not just a gym; we’re a community,” says Beth Walker, one of the business partners behind Proper Performance. “Our mission is to piece together our interests, abilities, and passions into an all-encompassing service for those who want to invest in their performance and longevity.”

The gym’s design reflects our core values of honesty, enthusiasm, and compassion. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness beginner, Proper Performance welcomes you to join our supportive and empowering environment.

For more information or to book a class, visit their website at or stop by their Hackthorpe location starting 24th June 2024 or following them on Instagram: @proper__performance

Coach Callum Keen doing a bespoke training session
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